Saturday, October 10, 2009

Home Remedies ~ Ears

Ear Remedies:

~These types of ear problems will affect both cats and dogs, but more commonly is an issue for our canine friends. Ear infections are often pretty easy to spot as in addition to noticing your pet physically scratching and rubbing its ears, the infection often is accompanied by a dark, waxy substance inside the ear and carries with it a horrible smell.

~The cause of the infection could be a number of things such as a yeast, or fungal infection, ear mites, and unfortunately those dogs with floppy ears and/or fur inside the ear canal are particularly at risk.Swimming can also cause problems with dogs that love to swim. Retrievers, like Maxwell, and other breeds that love the water can be prone to issues with infections due to the fact that water gets in the ears. You may not be able to stop them from taking that regular dip, and you probably don't want to, but you can use some preventative care to prevent those horrible ear infections.

~~Always clean your pet's ears regularly.~~Use a solution of 50% Vinegar and 50% water and insert the solution into the ear canal, gently massage it in and use cotton balls to clean out any debris. (Also, do this prior to Any over the counter ear treatment)

~~For those of you with the regular swimmers, mix a solution of 1 cup of Water, 2 cups of Vinegar and 1 tablespoon of Rubbing Alcohol. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and squirt it onto the outside of the ear canal once or twice per week and after every swim. You can also use this solution applied with a cotton ball to clean out the inner part of the ear. The alcohol in the mixture will help to dissolve wax, whereas the vinegar creates an acidic environment that will not allow yeast or bacteria to grow in.

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